Our Promise
Our promise to you includes the following commitments:
- Healthy menu items are mainstream offerings throughout our cafés.
- Healthy choices are easy for guests to make in all cafés.
- COR icons are used consistently to denote foods with particular nutritional qualities (In Balance, Vegan, Vegetarian, Well-Being, and Made without Gluten).
- Our menus emphasize the use of fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains as a featured ingredient. Our first choice is to use locally and sustainably produced items.
- Our chefs practice “stealth” nutrition as a standard operating procedure by using healthy cooking techniques and ingredients in everyday food preparation.
- Guests enjoy great-tasting, abundant meals, which happen to be prepared in more healthful ways.
- We serve reasonable portions sizes based on the U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
- Ongoing staff training focuses on appropriate serving sizes to meet client commitments and encourage reasonable portions for guests.
- Our guests are introduced to and encouraged to make healthy choices through focused marketing and tastings.
- All healthy options are flavorful and presented with strong eye appeal to encourage those selections.
- Extremely unhealthy options (such as double or triple burgers, grande taco salads with fried shell, sour cream, and black olives, etc.) or extremely large portion sizes are never “encouraged” as a daily special.
Disclaimer: We attempt to provide nutrition information that is as complete as possible. The nutritional values are based on USDA data, common cooking techniques, and data from our suppliers. Variations may occur due to the use of regional suppliers, seasonal influences, differences in product preparation at the kitchen level, recipe revisions, and other factors. This information is always subject to change and will be updated periodically. Aug 2019